A Message in Solidarity to Lebanon

On Tuesday, August 4, 2020, Beirut, Lebanon experienced one of the most damaging explosions in history. Hundreds have lost their lives, thousands are injured, and hundreds of thousands have lost their homes.
The scale and magnitude of the damage are truly shocking, and the resilience the Lebanese people are being asked to display is unfathomable. While Lebanon is a nation of strong, intelligent, and ingenious individuals, the path forward crosses territory few in history have traveled before.

Our hearts are with the individuals who have been affected by this tragedy and the entire country as it grapples with the long-term impacts that are just beginning to take shape. While the city will eventually be rebuilt, it will never be the same.
The imprint of this tragedy will mark both the city and its residents for generations to come. One can only hope this event will spark country-wide public safety and health initiatives. We are praying for Lebanon and are, as individuals, providing support as we are able.
The Lebanese are generous and loving people. In the spirit of the Lebanese tradition of giving to and supporting those in need, we at Sitti would like to encourage our entire community to support the people of Beirut. Please consider making a donation to one of these trustworthy and reputable organizations. Your donations will help various on-the-ground efforts, from medical support for the injured to food for the hungry, and will give those impacted by the explosion a fighting chance at survival.
Lebanese Canadian Coalition Fundraiser for Humanitarian Coalition
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