A night of honest and raw talk with "Millie Speaks" featuring Sangita Patel.
On May 28th, 2019, Millie Speaks hosted it's second speaking event featuring TV personnel and Cover Girl Canada Ambassador, Sangita Patel.

In an intimate evening with around 40 women, founder and creative director of Millie, Chelsea Brown moderated a conversation that was unapologetically raw and honest. Women in the audience spoke openly with Sangita and Chelsea about their personal struggles, challenges, and moments of success.

In a conversation with Mrs. Brown, she notes:
Millie Speaks is a forum for women to come together to exchange ideas, share stories and lift each other up. We are always so energized and inspired by the women who attend and how they willingly and generously share their insight, knowledge and experiences. It’s incredibly powerful and generates the kind of energy that can spark real, lasting change.

Sitti was delighted to work closely with Millie Speaks to curate bespoke gifts for each attendee, while also personalizing embroidered pouches to Sangita and those present.

We were happy to work with Millie to feature our Sitti products on the shelves of the Yorkville Boutique storefront in Toronto.
Brown continues:
We also make it a priority to collaborate and align with forward-thinking organizations whose work is a reflection of their values. That's why we love Sitti Soap, a social enterprise that boldly (and tangibly!) provides women with the tools to create meaningful change in their lives.
We were delighted to invite the Millie Travel team to our Hopes-Sitti Women's Center during their visit to Jordan earlier this year. Gathered around the refugee women and artisans we work with daily, they were welcomed to join the women in a Soapmaking workshop and then came together for a home-cooked traditional meal by one of the women at the Center.

Sitti co-founder, Noora Sharrab and Chelsea spoke about the importance to spread the message and stories of the women from the community in Jerash Camp while also creating space and forum to share their stories. This resonates so much with Millie Speaks keynote speaker, Sangita Patel, who herself talked about her goal to help young girls education globally.
"I think education is the key to everything. Imagine every girl having access to a proper education - it would change everything, everywhere.", noted Patel.
Sitti works in partnership with our beneficiary organization, Hopes for Women in Education to provide educational opportunities through scholarships, training sessions, skills-training and language development to refugee women in Jordan.

Working with companies like Millie has allowed us to engage and join in on the conversation that impacts women of all color, race, age, and backgrounds. It's always so inspiring leaving the event with open-ended conversations that truly shed new light to raw and honest conversations.
Photos By: George Pimentel's Photography.
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